
Showing posts from May, 2022

Significant Savings for the insurance company? At what cost?

Last week we walked down Lark Lane to the old Garden Festival site where the Cast Iron shore was, a place that I used to play when I was a little girl. The weather was glorious. We walked alongside the River Mersey all the way to town. When we reached the site near the Herculaneum Dock a little boy, maybe aged 5 or 6 ran past us. He looked so happy. His brother aged maybe 8 or 9, was shouting to him to stop. He was hysterical, shouting in a different language. His mother and sister were distraught. The little boy was 4 metres from them. He was perfectly fine, in no danger.  The older boy shouted emotionally in English 'Everyone down, lie on the floor' he was anxious, his face distressed. They ran up to the younger boy and hugged him in relief.  This emotional scene made me realise how lucky we are in life, we do not live in a war torn country, we have not seen horrific sites or been in danger like the family who walked away clinging to each other obviously have.  Thanks to the


The neck brace was removed yesterday at The Walton Centre, time to get on with work. We got up at 7 this morning and went to the plot. I dug 3 trenches and filled them with sticks and branches from the Wood outside the allotment and covered them with vegetation and sods of earth. The next step is to raise the bed using scaffolding planks. This is a good way to relieve stress, working in the outdoors. It  has been difficult not being able to walk. I stopped today when my ankle started to hurt.  We came home to work on a bid. I checked my emails and the report came from the Insurance loss adjuster. They are trying to save money. Our lives have been put on hold for 8 years. They are looking for the cheapest solution.   I am so angry.  We have people working on our behalf and they are not pleased. I am going to contact a TV company. This situation would make a good documentary.


 This blog was originally set up to keep a diary of events in life while waiting for the insurance company loss adjuster to make a decision to demolish or not to demolish our home. Obviously they are seeking the cheapest option while we live in uncertainty and anxiety.  Then life threw a wild card and Mr Campbell fell through the bannisters from a 6 -7 ft height. The spindles had been removed as they were very old, we planned to replace them but were told 3 years ago we were moving out that Spring, then the next Spring, then this Spring. We have not completed any repairs, replaced windows, decorated, bought new furniture because all of the while we are expecting to move. We do not know where we will live while the work on the house takes place. We live with stress on a daily basis and our families and friends are concerned about us. We are now in Year 8 since the beginning of the claim.  I heard a soft thud while I was cleaning my teeth in the bathroom and ran downstairs to find him on