Problems associated with Decluttering

Almost all of the project ideas we have had over the past 20 or so years, are written out long hand on large sheets of paper before we narrow down the focus and apply for funding or put forward a proposal. Some of the ideas never got off the ground, some did. Some we will recycle and use in future work. We can digitise all of the project ideas and recycle the rolls of paper. 

Yesterday we recycled old boots, soft plastics and batteries. This is the way forward to recycle more every day. We tend to keep vegetable skins, egg shells and other food suitable for our compost bin on the Allotment. 

How this statue saved our lives

We were designing  a public art installation in 2014 title: Opera for Chinatown and we were walking through Chinatown down through Nelson Street turned right on to Upper Pitt Street to walk in to town. We heard a scrambler bike coming towards us, far too close for comfort. We turned around and saw a young man who had lost control coming towards us. We had nowhere to go, we were stuck between bollards and a wall.  He rode onto a grass verge and crashed into a bin bag that some kids had attempted to set on fire. He was okay, he missed the concrete bollards. He just hurt his misplaced pride, picked up his bike and scurried off. 

I said to Mr C, I am going to go and look at what saved us from him crashing in to us and this is what I found. We took it home and one day I will restore it perhaps or maybe not. 

 Oh yes, I also found this dirty big crack in the cupboard

This is one of the things that will not be included in our decluttering mission before we move. 



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